Tribute to Arab Anarchists
By The ImModeratorFor those who think that anarchy is an unreachable concept, consider this – at any given moment, the fundamental principles behind “Anarchy” are being followed by thousands of individuals across the globe. Anarchy in action is rarely obvious – it is the activity of the mind, of the coffee-shop or market-stall banter, of small groups of idealistic and motivated people – and by definition, is not in the limelight of media, political debate and the powers-that-be. From time-to-time the status quo dissolves into meaninglessness as the accumulation of suffering, oppression and wrongs reaches breaking point, bringing together all those thoughts and conversations into a frenzied burst of action and activity. Right now is such time. The Middle East is the place, and those who have nonchalantly wallowed in the luxuries of their societal hierarchies are suddenly feeling a lot less comfortable.
The build-up to the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya is not something that history books would have followed. History is a notation of the notable, rarely written by those who trigger the process that destroys the status quo or even by anyone remotely interested in the multitude of individual stories that make up the global reality. At best, history is written by or about those who thrust themselves into the spotlight of the tumult, those who at any given point in time hold the marionette strings.
The internet allows us to see more of these stories – although sometimes there will be questions of veracity or validity. Take the fellow who is credited with shooting down the Libyan fighter, with a gun sporting one broken barrel – and reportedly on his first day on the gun. Have a look at this website, which covers the story and includes comments suggesting it was less-than-accurately reported.
Here is the BBC video. These people are not a well-organised troupe of activists. These people are following the philosophy of Anarchy, making individual statements of right and wrong. Standing up for their vision of the way they want their corner of the world to be.
The phrase that most often accompanies commentary on the outbreak of individualism is “disorganised”, closely followed by “leaderless”. Take a deep breath. Sit down. Ponder that one.
“Disorganised” is most likely used in the context of “anarchy”, as if it is a bad thing.
ganiseD is the anarchistic ideal. ‘Disorganised’ more readily expresses the ideals of Anarchy than any other, with the word ‘anarchy’ itself now wrapped in cobweb layers of misinformation and historical misrepresentation. Wittgenstein could be entertained for a very long time trying to peel back those layers and make clear the hierarchical schematic blueprint for all that ‘anarchy’ represents.“Leaderless” is what anarchy represents. Ironically, the greatest obstacle to a truly anarchistic society is Leadership. That which is most prized by the powers-that-be, and those who seek to replace them. Animal Farm is alive and well in anarchistic struggles. There are always those who are part of a revolution, whose primary urges would see them take the leadership of either the revolution or its ensuing hierarchy with the aim of imposing their form of leadership on those they purport to represent.
Representation is subverted by Leadership.
Anarchy is pushed aside by Partisanship.
The “impossible” of anarchistic ideals is the acceptance of human failings, and the inability of any societal structure to stop those who seek to “lead” from pushing their perspective onto others. This does not mean that individuals should stop striving towards the ideal. The destination makes the journey worthwhile – not in a perverted rebel form so sharply defined by Albert Camus but in the efforts of the individual to shape their world free of the strings-from-the-sky.
In this regard, Arab Anarchists are leading the world.
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